Friday, September 8, 2017

Crystal Memes: Buying a book because of its cover art...

Hello friends! Welcome to a new episode of "Crystal confesses..." Honestly, I feel like that would have been a better title. *grins* I am having a blast working on more and more discussion posts for the blog. It's been something I've been wanting to do for the longest time...

Oh, oh, oh ... For the longest time
Oh, oh, oh ... For the longest
If you said goodbye to me tonight
There would still be music left to write
What else could I do
I'm so inspired by you
That hasn't happened for the longest time

Oh, my god. I'm so sorry! Billy Joel... Gets me every time. Anyway, here is today's topic coming from Ramblings of a Coffee Addicted Writer.

Have you ever bought a book because you liked its cover art?

I think the better question is who hasn't bought a book because of the cover art? I know I have done this many times. And while that has led me to a few duds, I've also found many of my favorite authors this way. Looking back, I noticed that I did this a lot when I first got my Kindle Fire. Since I hadn't been in reading scene for months, if not years, I didn't have much else to go on. It's a good thing I found lots of authors using the pretty cover method.

Here's a look at three series I bought because of their pretty covers.

If you've read my blog post - Name a book that changed your life - then you'll know that Candis Terry was the first author I bought when I got my Kindle. I bought her Sugar Shack series because the original covers are so stinking adorable! I wish I could have these original covers in print, but alas, I don't think that is possible. I do have the new covers sittin' pretty on my bookshelf, which marks this as the only series I've purchases in both eBook and print. Candis is now an auto-buy author, always in print.

Leah Braemel is one that I don't think I've ever talked about here, but she is the author that started my obsession with erotic romance. I remember devouring her Hauberk Protection series and keeping it on the down low. This was before I stopped caring what people thought and dared them to read over my shoulders. With the exception of First Night, I love these covers. The new covers are even hotter.

Now I know I've never talked about Jerri Corgiat before. And oddly enough, it wasn't even these covers that sucked me in (I love the new covers). It was the original covers that grabbed my attention and I devoured all five books in the Love Finds A Home series in record time. This is more of a woman's fiction series, which is something I don't usually devour. However, these books were amazing. I love how they follow a family over the span of many years and includes multiple generations. It is an older series, but one I think I need to re-read soon.

Have you ever bought a book based on the cover? What book? Did you like it?


  1. That would be an absolute Huge YES :) too many to mention

  2. I have bought SO many books because of their covers! Especially when I first got my nook! It was so hard to pass up on a beautiful book that also only cost a dollar. I have more restraint now, and normally check out books from the library, but I still give in sometimes!
