Sunday, December 31, 2017

Challenge Update: 2017 Wrap-Up

Hello friends! Can I be honest with you? I feel like we're all friends here and I can be honest. 2017 was a year with many epiphanies. There were a lot of things that I learned about myself and about my blog. Early on in the year (actually closer to late last year), I realized that I was taking challenges way too seriously. It got to the point where I was reading to complete a challenge instead of reading because I wanted to. And I hated that feeling. My ultimate goal for 2017 was to be okay with my reading progress. I'm pretty sure that mindset saved my insanity more than once.

As we go through my challenge wrap-up, you'll notice that I didn't complete as many as I would have liked. But you know what... I'm okay with that. I'm ecstatic with what I did complete and I'll work on what I didn't in 2018. So, let's do this...

The Challenges...

Pervy Girl - Goal: 24+ / Read: 4

Honestly, I don't know why I always have such a difficult time with this challenge. As much as I friggin' love kinky books, you would think I'd ace this one. I guess I don't read as many as I thought. Or I completely suck at keeping track. Or a combination of both...

Bad Boys of Romance - Goal: 15+ / Read: 10

I did not complete this one either, but I did better than I thought I did. I'm giving myself some credit for that!

Contemporary Romance - Goal: 21+ / Read: 50

Huzzah! A completed challenge! But honestly, if I was going to complete a challenge, it was going to be this one. I actually read more, but I capped it at 50. I wasn't about to double check the books on my Goodreads.

Historical Romance - Goal: 5+ / Read: 2

For someone who doesn't read historical romance, for me to read 2 is a victory. Between you and me, I actually read 3, but I haven't reviewed the 3rd book yet. I will soon...

Blogger Shame - Goal: 12+ / Read: 2

This is the only challenge that I'm genuinely mad at myself for not putting in more effort. I really want to do better with it in 2018.

Pick Your Genre - Goal: 12+ / Read: 10

While I did okay with this one, I'm surprised I didn't read more since romantic suspense is one of my favorite genres.

New to Me - Goal: 24+ / Read: 29

This was another challenge I'm not surprised I completed. There will always been lots of fabulous authors out there for me to discover.

So, there it is. I think I did okay considering I only completed two challenges. I came close to a couple others. I'm going to call it a draw. :)

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