Monday, December 31, 2018

2019 Reading Challenges

Hello friends! Happy New Year's Eve!! It's time to talk about 2019 reading challenges. Yay! Are you as excited as I am? Well, part of me is excited. The other part of me wants to take it easy a little this year. I think I found a happy medium. The challenges I'm doing in 2019 are ones that will most likely flow naturally. It's difficult to explain, but it just feels right. I'm also looking for an easier way to keep track of my progress and do update posts. Not sure how I'm going to go about it quite yet, but I will for sure keep you updated sometime in January.

Without further ado, here are the 2019 reading challenges I'm participating in...

Contemporary Romance Reading Challenge
Hosted by Andi's ABCs
Goal: Grand Slam read 21+ books

Books N Tunes Challenge
Hosted by Delighted Reader
Goal: Hum Baby – 10 items/10 tunes

The Bad Boys of Romance Challenge
Hosted by Delighted Reader
Goal: 10-15 books – Engaged to the Bad Boy

Literary Pickers Challenge
Hosted by Delighted Reader
Goal: Professional Picker- 50 items/50 places

The Series That Never Ends Challenge
Hosted by Delighted Reader
Goal: 5-9 books – Surviving the Book Tsunami

Writing Reviews Challenge
Hosted by Delighted Reader
Goal: 100 reviews

Discussion Challenge
Goal: 11-20 – Creative Conversationalist


There are my 8 reading challenges I am participating in for 2019. At first glance it might seem like a lot, but I feel like this year's list is more manageable. I am sad that I'm dropping some of my favorite challenges, but this is the right direction for me in 2019. What challenges are you doing?

1 comment:

  1. Happy New Year, Crystal! Good luck on your reading challenges!
