Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Review: Initiation (Master Class #1) by Sierra Cartwright

"I'm a greedy man, Jennifer. I'll take as much of your time as you're willing to give me. An hour, a day, another night, a week, maybe even more." - Logan Powell

Series: Master Class #1
Author: Sierra Cartwright
Publisher: Totally Bound
Release Date: July 26, 2016
Source: Publisher for Review

Buy Links: Amazon - B&N - Totally Bound
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When wannabe sub Jennifer Berklee calls him Master and begs him to flog her, PI Logan Powell knows all his military training won’t be enough to keep his jaded heart safe.

Private investigator Logan Powell does the women of the world a favor by avoiding emotional entanglements. They deserve to be loved and cherished. And he’s not capable of it.

That belief is challenged when he sees Jennifer Berklee at a BDSM play party. The innocent wannabe sub is everything he wants to avoid. He fears all his previous military training won’t be enough to keep his jaded heart safe.

Anything She Wants…

Jennifer has been interested in BDSM since she first heard about it. And after her engagement ends in an embarrassing disaster, she’s determined never to settle again.

But when the stunningly sexy Dom Logan Powell offers to scene with her, she is overwhelmed and flees.

One evening, Logan and Jennifer are set up by well-meaning friends. This time, Logan is determined not to let her go. Jennifer will submit to him, no matter the cost to either of them.

When I am in the mood for an erotic romance, there are a handful of authors that I know will never disappoint. One of which is the fabulous Sierra Cartwright. I know that when I pick up one of her books I'll instantly fall in love with the hero and immediately want to be the heroine. Her characters are always strong and open with their various levels of kink. Like every other of Sierra's books, Initiation had me hooked from the very first page. Logan and Jennifer... Where do I start? Their chemistry and sexual tension scorched from the moment they laid eyes on each other. I loved how "gently" introduced Jennifer into his world. It was always about her pleasure and allowing Jennifer to test her own limits. That's another thing about Sierra's heroes, they are always generous lovers. If only they were real... *wink* Jennifer was strong enough to try something new. She relished in freedom in wanting more. Together they embark on a new D/s relationship that is not only mutually satisfying, but also helps both heal from the emotional mess their previous relationships left them in. As always, Sierra's writing was so much fun. Not only did she have me reaching for a fan, but I also found myself giggling in the middle of the night. I don't know where this series is going next, but I'm excited for the fun ride ahead

Excerpt from Totally Bound
A blaze of unwelcome and unwanted possession arced through Logan as she closed the distance toward the X-shaped BDSM equipment. 
As if sensing his attention, she glanced over at him. 
He folded his arms across his chest as their gazes locked. 
Even across the distance, he saw her shiver. 
Smart girl, recognizing the danger he emanated. 
After a few seconds, she shook her head and turned away. 
Simple Simon took a step in her direction. 
Suddenly, Logan realized he did want to be the man behind her, pressing her against the wood, instructing her to lift her arms high so he could affix her wrists to a pair of cuffs.
Instead, another man had that honor. 
The man secured her in place and she immediately pulled her right wrist free. If Logan were in charge, he wouldn’t have allowed that to happen. Even if all she wanted was a taste of his dominance, he’d make sure she would never forget the experience. 
After putting her wrist back in place, Master Simon rubbed her buttocks through her skirt. 
Logan’s cock thickened. 
Because he needed human contact to maintain his sanity, he showed up at Joe and Noelle’s events several times a year. While watching others scene interested him, he’d rarely gotten aroused from it. 
Then again, he’d rarely had this kind of visceral reaction to a woman.

Sierra Cartwright was born in Manchester, England and raised in Colorado. Moving to the United States was nothing like her young imagination had concocted. She expected to see cowboys everywhere, and a covered wagon or two would have been really nice!

Now she writes novels as untamed as the Rockies, while spending a fair amount of time in Texas…where, it turns out, the Texas Rangers law officers don't ride horses to roundup the bad guys, or have six-shooters strapped to their sexy thighs as she expected. And she's yet to see a poster that says Wanted: Dead or Alive. (Can you tell she has a vivid imagination?)

Sierra wrote her first book at age nine, a fanfic episode of Star Trek when she was fifteen, and she completed her first romance novel at nineteen. She actually kissed William Shatner (Captain Kirk) on the cheek once, and she says that's her biggest claim to fame. Her adventure through the turmoil of trust has taught her that love is the greatest gift. Like her image of the Old West, her writing is untamed, and nothing is off-limits.

She invites you to take a walk on the wild side…but only if you dare.

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