Reading Goals
- Update Goodreads More - Like everyone else, I love Goodreads. I also love to update my "currently reading" book and then leave it up there for the rest of the year. It's obvious that I will not be finishing said book anytime soon so why is it still listed? Good question! I want to update it more this year and perhaps use any progress comments I make in my reviews.
- Finish Some Series - This was a challenge that I signed up for last year and I was super excited for it. I searched and searched for it again this year, but I didn't have any luck finding it. There are several series that I read (and really enjoyed), but I've only read one or two books in it before completely forgetting that it existed. "Wait, what happened to that series? What? It's done?! When did that happen?" I'm not setting a goal or a limit on the number of series I'd love to complete, I just want to complete a handful. I may do a separate blog post for this later in the month.
- Read More Print Books - I love Kindle books. Not only do they stay pretty, they also conveniently take up no space. Unless you ask my Kindle, in which case, they do take up lots of space. I will clean up my Kindle. I will clean up my Kindle. Digital books aside, I need to read more from my library of print books. They look so pretty (well, the ones that are actually on my shelves), but damn it! They are more than just decoration. I need to read more of them this year.
- Read Books BEFORE Meeting Authors - I am lucky that I get to attend a couple fantastic signing events this year and I want to read books from attending authors before these events. I'd also love to do something crafty to get signed instead of books. As much as I love signed books, I've learned that it's not fun being a pack mule in the middle of a crowded event.
Blogging & Reviewing Goals
- Get to Know Blogger Better - To be completely honest, all I do on Bblogger is log in, work on post, publish post, and update side-bars. There are a lot of cool things that I can do on Blogger and I want to learn how. I'm not going to go completely haywire changing everything. I just want to dive a bit deeper into what the website can do.
- Blog Ahead More - I want to make an effort to blog ahead, especially for spotlights and blasts. I also want to set up review posts before or while I'm reading a review book. That tends to motivate me more when it comes to actually reviewing it.
- Review Quickly - One of my bad reviewing habits is that I'll read a review book weeks before I actually review it. By the time I do review it, I usually miss a couple points I wanted to make. If I can't sit down to review a day or two after I finish the book, I want to at least write down my thoughts in a journal.
- Reach 500 Reviews - I want to hit this magic number by my blog's 5th birthday at the end of August. I'm at 443 now, so I think it is attainable.
That's it! Those are my reading and blogging/reviewing goals for 2017. What about you? What are your goals for this year? Tell me in the comments below and let's chat!
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