Saturday, April 29, 2017

New to My Shelves - LATFOB Edition

Hello! Welcome to the first "New to My Shelves" post. I'm not sure if this will be a reoccurring theme on my blog, but it is something that I am testing out. Last weekend I trekked up to the University of Southern California campus for the annual LA Times Festival of Books and I thought I would share the books I brought home. Some were free and some I bought. 

Without further ado, here are the books that I added to my shelves...

So, last weekend was my 4th trip to the Festival of Books. As usual, it took me a good couple of days to recover from all of the walking and carrying around books. After lugging around multiple tote backs AND a backpack last year, I decided to limit the number of books I brought from home to get signed because that can get painful pretty quickly. So I told myself to be good and only bring a handful of books. And I did good, if I do say so myself. What I forgot to anticipate was the books I would be bringing home...

After getting off the train and practically mowing people down, my first stop was to The Ripped Bodice booth. Love them! I had a pretty surreal moment when Leah greeted me with "Hi Crystal!" It took me a couple seconds to get over the shock because you don't get that kind of greeting with any other bookstore. After the surprise wore off, I was super excited to get my hands on a pretty print arc of Julia Quinn's The Girl with the Make-Believe Husband. After an extremely long wait for Starbucks, I skedaddled to LARA's booth (or the Los Angeles Romance Authors RWA Chapter). I adore some of the authors that run the booth, especially Mia Hopkins. She has become one of my favorite cowboy authors and I love chatting with her every year. This was also the second year that I met HelenKay Dimon at the booth. Love her to pieces and I totally fangirl'd over her new Games People Play series. I seriously need to read her Holton Woods series. After lunch and wandering the festival, I hightailed it back to The Ripped Bodice for their Avon author signing with HelenKay, Julia Quinn, and Tessa Dare to conclude my Saturday trip.

My Sunday trip was pretty quick. I mainly went for the romance conversation, but I also went to show more support for the LARA booth. While there I quickly met Carol Ericson and got two books signed, one of which I brought from home. Then I chatted some more with Mia and picked up 2 of her books, Cowboy Karma and Cowboy Rising. Love her cowboys! And I rounded out my Sunday trip picking up 2 other books from the LARA booth from new-to-me authors, Sins of a Quiet Heart and Under the Spotlight, mainly because they caught my eye.

So, that's what I picked up from the LA Times Festival of Books this year. If you are in the Southern California area, it's a great event with lots of things to do. Great food. Amazing authors. And a ton of people. It takes the rest of the year to recuperate from the insanity, but I'll be there again next year! 

And now I am on a serious book buying ban until I get my bookshelves situated!

What do you think? Which of these books should I read first? Do you have a favorite? Let's chat!

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