Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Review: Kiss Me, Sweetheart (Something Borrowed #2) by Codi Gary

"Let me give you passion. One time. No strings. If the answer is yes, then just kiss me, sweetheart. I'll do the rest." - Dustin Kent

Kiss Me, Sweatheart
Series: Something Borrowed #2
Author: Codi Gary
Publisher: Lyrical
Published: February 13, 2018
Source: Publisher

Buy Links: Amazon - B&N - iBooks - Kobo - Google Play
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The bridesmaids and groomsmen for hire at Sweetheart, California’s Something Borrowed have the cure for celebrity wedding headaches. But even a job that’s strictly business can lead to the 
real thing . . . 


Rylie Templeton had big dreams, until she quit culinary school to take care of her father and signed on with Something Borrowed. Suddenly years have gone by and she’s still a bridesmaid-for-hire, with her idea to open a gourmet bakery on the back burner. Scoring a high-profile wedding could help turn her life around, if only she didn’t have to share the spotlight with her coworker, the insufferable—and undeniably gorgeous—Dustin Kent.

Instructed to make it work, Rylie plunges into the wedding festivities with Dustin by her side. If only she could convince him to turn his spectacular charm on someone else! But the enigmatic, reformed playboy has his own ideas about romance, and they all include Rylie. As the nuptials get closer, Rylie realizes that Dustin’s wooing is actually working, and that the two of them might make a good team in more ways than one . . .

After reading an intense romantic suspense and a couple sweet contemporaries, I was craving something fun and flirty with a little bit of sexy time. I knew I could count on Codi Gary to give me characters I'll fall in love with and a story that'll make me smile. I also knew she'd keep me up way past my bedtime. Heed my advice... Starting a new book at 11 o'clock at night is never a good idea.

The romance between Dustin and Riley were two lovable yet who, unbeknownst to them, are pretty much fighting the same fight. Both characters have a rough past with their parents, which has affected their relationships. For Dustin, it has made him a playboy never wanting to settle down. For Riley, it's made her self-reliant, never knowing how to depend on someone. When the one person she trusts does the unthinkable, it shakes her world upside down. What Dustin and Riley don't realize is that their budding relationship heals wounds and brings out a piece of themselves they didn't know was there. They make each other re-evaluate how they see the world and how to overcome their past misgivings.

I adored Kiss Me, Sweetheart. As a fan of Codi Gary's, I knew it was going to be a fun romance with witty banter. I loved the character's chemistry and sexual tension. Once it ignites, they can't seem to keep their minds off each other. It was the perfect romance for what I was craving. I didn't even bother to highlight quotes and passages. All I did was sit back and enjoy the ride.

Codi Gary loves writing books that pull at her reader’s heartstrings and tickle their funny bones. She is a member of RWA’s Honor Roll, and can’t imagine writing anything that doesn’t have a happily ever after. When she isn’t writing, or procrastinating on Facebook, she can be found snuggling with her furry or human babies, reading something fantastic, or watching addicting TV shows and movies. She will always be a rom-com enthusiast and die hard supporter of her local animal shelter. She lives in Idaho with her husband, adorable children, and mischievous pets. To keep up with Codi, check out her website and follow her newsletter at

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