Thursday, February 1, 2018

Last Month on the Blog - January 2018

Holy cow! The last couple of days here have been quite interesting. In case you haven't noticed, I had to take a bit of an unexpected hiatus from the blog for the past couple of days. I haven't had internet since Sunday night. And let me tell you, these past two days haven't been easy. I have a fun blog post planned for next month that will revisit the whole ordeal. 

I say ordeal, but it actually wasn't that bad. Okay... Yeah, it was.

Even with the unscheduled hiatus, I still managed to review 8 books, which included 2 blogger shame books! Whaaa? Only 7 of those reviews appeared on my blog since one of the blogger shame books isn't available at the moment.

Here's a glance into what I read in January and what I'm going to be reading in February.



Otherwise known as the books that got shafted by the lack of internet. I will be reviewing these titles ASAP.


February review books! 



If you've seen my recent used books haul, then you know I was naughty and came home with 39 books. It was totally Ezrah's fault. *winks* I need to start reading them! I did purchase one new book last month because I adore Helenkay Dimon.

Do you know how long it's been since I bought a Harlequin book? A very long time.

I'm SO glad to be back in the land of the internet dwellers. I also need to work on a better system so I'm not scrambling to finish my wrap-up posts. I am loving this format, though. What do you think?

What did you read in January? Any February books catching your eye? Let's chat!

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